
Luxury Staycation
Jul 04 2020

‘Noth­ing takes the edge off a lock­down like an out­door pool.” So says Amanda Gill en route to the 13th floor of Tridel Corp.’s Aqualina condo de­vel­op­ment at Queens Quay and Sher­bourne. Newly ac­ces­si­ble to res­i­dents in ac­cor­dance with Stage 2 of On­tario’s COVID-19 re­open­ing plan, the stylish swim­ming spot is the cen­tre­piece of an ex­pan­sive rooftop ter­race with a sun deck and bar­be­cue din­ing al­coves.

The ameni­ties in the 363- unit build­ing were off- lim­its to ev­ery­one since early March; now, a new on­line book­ing sys­tem lim­its pool users to 10 at a time. Gill is pleased to have se­cured a time slot in what she con­sid­ers an ur­ban oa­sis. “It’s the next best thing to the Caribbean — not that I’m go­ing there any time soon,” the thir­tysome­thing adds, rolling her eyes.

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